Great Oscar Snubs Month
The 94th Academy Awards ceremony is on March 27th. They say it's an honor just to be nominated...sure. (The films who lost to Crash or Argo would like a word). When it comes to a film's legacy, it's all about that golden bald guy named Oscar but what about the amazing movies, actors, and filmmakers that never won? Or the ones that weren't nominated whether from pettiness, Hollywood politics, or Academy apathy (lack of taste in layman's terms)? Are they somehow lesser films? Heck no! In many cases the so called 'snub' has only bolstered these films' cult of ardent admirers.
That's why this March the JPT is running the Great Oscar Snub Month celebrating iconic films made by genius creators that fell short of capturing the coveted Academy gold. Kicking off with the Oscar-less master Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, and featuring Do The Right Thing, Some Like It Hot, this year's House of Gucci, and the greatest film that never won - Citizen Kane. If this is the losers club, you're gonna want a ticket to get in.